What inspired us

Hello, my name is Willie. I thought of the idea of Vandal Fight Gear about 6 years ago while working on the job. I wanted a shirt line that was geared towards the MMA /Combat sports community; but something different than your average combat T-Shirt. I wanted it to be inspirational and yet rugged enough for the combat community to wear. However, throughout the years of working with my little brother on different designs and many different symbols for our company, we began to realize that Vandal was more than just a combat T-Shirt.
It had more to offer than just to the combat community; because in everyday life ”we fight” and all of us have our own challenges in life that take place outside of a cage or ring. We realized we wanted a product that reaches the every day athlete or the every day hard worker pushing and striving to win. We wanted athletic gear that spoke to the people and when they wore it they felt empowered to push through and finish whatever situation they were facing in life; be it physical or mental. So as time passed, we decided we wanted Vandal Athletic Gear to be more about sport and street apparel. Our question to you is... What is your fight and what will inspire you to win that fight when the time comes? Let Vandal Athletic Gear inspire you.
We aim to provide good quality sport and street wear without the inflated prices. Always remember to “be better than average”.
Willie and Michael Lewis